About Jeny
Les Jordan- CEO and Creative Director of North Central Ballet and the voice behind some of the Native Speech Imitation Workshops.
Jeny is a licensed English Coach and a facilitator of Meditation, Memory Development and Mind-Body Management. For the last 30+ years, she has taught hundreds of students from all over the world, helped them improve their speaking skills, gain confidence and realize their classroom English in real life.
I have seen Jen in action and I can confidently say that she walks her talk and genuinely loves to share her knowledge and tools with anyone who wants to speak English like a native speaker. Her students enjoy a positive learning experience through her mentorship and get to see English as a new and improved lifestyle.
And while English is my first language, I still love taking the meditations, in order to downshift after a long day at the studio, get a chance to dream and project my goals into the future! I promise, it is equally fun AND mind blowing! Just like many others, I have noticed profound improvements in my life and career ever since I have allowed meditation to become part of my life, it has helped me stay focused and disciplined, but also made me more patient and appreciative of all the good things in my life.
I hope you get to enjoy English Yoga and join in the quest of becoming a fluent and confident English communicator.
Best of luck: Les
From Jeny:
I would like to thank Les, the Director of the prestigious North Central Ballet School in Dallas, Texas and a dear friend of mine for his kind words, support, enthusiasm and collaboration. He has done me the honor to participate in this program and be the native voice behind some of the copy cat videos.
Les, you are a ROCK-STAR and I love you dearly 🙂
Here are a few words from the English Yoga Coach herself:
Hi, I am Jeny- a dedicated English Yoga practitioner, a personal growth enthusiast and the creator of this program 🙂
I hope you are as excited as I am, to embark on this amazing journey to English fluency. While I am a classically trained tutor, holding an M.A. degree in English Language and Linguistics since 1994, in my early career I also had the opportunity to teach English through a methodology called Suggestopedia. Developed in the 70s, it was a method created by the Bulgarian psychotherapist Georgi Lozanov, whose theory applied positive suggestions in teaching foreign languages. About a decade later, his method was developed further by German scientists and made available to students all over Europe. Across the Atlantic, the Silva method, the brain child of Jose Silva, a researcher in hypnoses and mind development, taught students how to program their minds, enhance ESP and manifest their goals via meditation and hypnoses. Initially called Mind-Control, the Silva Method, continues to evolve, but the fundamental principles remain the same- you can program your mind and manifest your goals through various techniques in hypnoses and meditation.
Fascinated with the extraordinary power of meditation for over 30 tears, I have studied and practiced various mind programing techniques and experienced first hand the amazing benefits of positive suggestions in the Alpha and Theta states of mind. I have introduced meditation to the most sceptic and less than enthusiastic students, who after only a few sessions admitted that meditation helped them learn faster, sleep better, improve their mood and overall felt less stress and frustration.
For the last 8 years, I have also studied and practiced Reiki , a form of energy therapy that induces deep relaxation, helps people cope with difficulties, relieves emotional stress and improves the overall wellbeing. Meditation plays a big role here again; it facilitates goals manifestation, improves health and those areas in life, that are lacking.
Аs an English Coach and a Reiki Master, the more I learned about mind programming through meditation, the more I experienced its amazing benefits in every aspect of my life – health, relationships, career, self-esteem and finances, to name a few.
With English Yoga, I aimed to keep the essential mind programming principles in mind, incorporated memory enhancing methods, to help the practitioners learn faster and release any limiting beliefs. English Yoga is an amalgam of traditional and mindfulness techniques, sending English learners on the road to fluency quickly, to enjoy a life with many opportunities and life changing potential… Hope to see you live the life you have ways wanted ;-)…